About Barb V

Barb V

An Internationally certified F.I.X. CODE and Beyond A-MAZ-ing coach/practitioner and relentless achiever.

From overcoming early-life challenges to becoming a world record-setting athlete and best-selling author Dominate Your Sport, Barb embodies resilience and success.

As a transformational mindset expert, Barb has empowered lives across 67 countries and 1,000s of educational and business campuses worldwide.

Her journey from NCAA Division 1 athlete to business maverick uniquely positions her to understand and solve the complex challenges faced by modern athletes and business professionals.

Barb's F.I.X. CODE coaching and Beyond Amazing techniques offer powerful strategies for balancing career, family, and personal growth.

Her #1 internationally rated family podcast and upcoming books "DOMINATE YOUR MINDSET" and "DOMINATE YOUR ATHLETIC JOURNEY" provide practical tools for unleashing your full potential. With a Master's in Education and a lifetime of breaking barriers, Barb brings unparalleled insight to her coaching.

Her mantra, "When you change the way you think, the things you think about change," has become a catalyst for transformation. Ready to redefine your limits and create the life you've envisioned? Partner with Barb and experience the power of dominating your mindset and crafting the life that you want. Your journey to extraordinary begins here...

Barb V's Beyond Amazing Testimony

What Are My Clients Saying?

Feedback from my delighted clientele.

I wish my coaches and I had know about The F.I.X. Code and "The Magic Question" when I was training for The Olympics.

Kim J., Sprinter

Working with Barb, my F.I.X. Code Coach and the XX Strong team, answering "The Magic Question" has been a game-changer for me - both on and off the track.

Faith, Track and Field Athlete

I struggled with anxiety for years, both in and out of the pool. Working with Barb and Getting Free from The Maze, has helped me manage my stress levels and lean into my true goals. It's truly a game-changer.

Lindsey, Swimmer

My F.I.X. Code Coach, Barb has changed my life! I can't imagine training without her.

Hannah, CrossFit Athlete

Barb has blessed me with this new opportunity in my life. The Beyond A-MAZ-ing program doesn't even come close to describe the experiences and outcomes I have received. I can truely open my eyes now to see how beautiful the world around me really is. I have more clear thoughts and I dont react to negative emotions anyore and I have learned to say "NO" and mean it while also creating healthy boundaries for myself.

I have found my true authentic self! I have been able to set routines and accomplish many more things throughout my days without being overwhelmed. My family loves having me around more and we are able to have more family time together without stress and the "normal" everyday problems most families still deal with. My children fight less (two young boys and a teenage daughter) and the communication between everyone in the entire family is stronger and most importantly in my marriage. Thank You Barb and Stacey!"

A.S. Business Owner & Mom of Three

Introducing the F.I.X. Code

Sit back, relax, close your eyes and follow the guided instructions. The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma.

We remove the emotional response to a specific memory of a past traumatic event so well that when you think about what happened to you, you can't think about the horrible way you feel right now. It's as if it happened to someone else.

Years of implementation and thousands of lives changed have proven that the F.I.X Code changes lives immediately. The far-reaching effects of one changed life are infinite.

F.I.X. Code Sessions

We will meet over Zoom so you can be anywhere in the world! Just make sure you are in a quite place where you can close your eyes with no distractions. You will be sitting up during the session.

I will ask you a MAGIC QUESTION that will allow you to connect to the emotion that is running like a computer program in the background of your mind. We call the emotion/program a CODE.

During the Session

Within 3-5 minutes you can disconnect the CODE from memories through a simple meditation where you will be guided back to the root cause typically between birth and the age of 7 and sometimes your unconscious mind will reveal an event that is before birth (ancestral past). Your mind WILL reveal information to you.

My clients have said they have never been able to get so deep to the root of the problem so fast. Some clients have been on a healing journey for 10, 20, and even 30+ years and this modality has helped them more than any other healing modality they have experienced before. Of all of the modalities I am certified in, the F.I.X. Code has been the go-to modality for over a year for my clients.


What is the F.I.X. CODE?

The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma.

How long is a F.I.X. CODE session?

A session usually is usually 15 minutes up to 45 minutes depending on how many codes you want to work through.

What is the cost of a F.I.X. CODE session?

The investment for F.I.X. Code sessions can vary depending on the codes you are ready to release.

A 15 minute experience session is $50

A 1 hour session is $125

After taking the Passion to Purpose Course - (5) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $299

After taking the Beyond Amazing Course - (6) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $399

After taking the Spiritual Cleanse Course - (10) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $699

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